Research Grants (Ongoing)
Project number: I/SEED/RRV/20200076 (IITJ seed grant) Grant period: 2020-2023
Project title: Biomimetic Nanoscale Metal-Organic Frameworks for Targeted Bimodal NIRF and MR Imaging and Phototherapy of Ovarian Cancer Cells
Role: Principal Investigator Amount: 25,00,000 INR
Funding Source: Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Grant period: 2020-2024
Project title: Biomimetic Nanoscale Metal-Organic Frameworks for Targeted Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging and Phototherapeutic Destruction of Intraperitoneal Tumors
Role: PI Amount: 42,00,000 INR
Project number: I/IMRG/RRV/20210021 (International Mobility Grant)
Project title: Near-Infrared Light Activable Erythrocyte Membrane Coated Black Phosphoros nanosheets for Targeted Bioimaging and Photo-Chemotherapy of
Breast Cancer cells Role: PI Amount: 10,00,000 INR
Funding Source: JAL JEEVAN MISSION (JM)/NATIONAL RURAL DRINKING WATER MISSION. Project title: Point-of-use and in-line coliforms sensors for smart water management. Role: Co-PI Amount: 72,51,200 INR
Funding Source: DST-SERB Project Title: Biocompatible and water dispersible silanized reduced graphene oxide derivatives: Near infrared responsive bimodal phototherapeutic agents for the disruption of bacterial biofilms. Role : Co-PI Amount : 54,82,400 INR
Funding Source: DST-SERB Project number: S/SERB/RRV/20230174
Project title: Molecularly Engineered Free Standing Borophene as a Versatile Nanotheranostic Platform to Combat Localized Cancers. Role: PI Amount: 40,90,990 INR
Research Grants (Completed)
Funding Source: National Project Implementation Unit (NPIU) Grant period: 01/07/2019-9/30/2020 Project title: Early Diagnosis of Metastatic sites in Cancer Patients Role: Co-PI Amount: 17,50,000 INR
Project number: NIH-SBIR 1R43CA210715-01A1 Grant period: 2017-2018 Project title: Erythrocyte-derived optical nano-probes for image-guided identification of tumor margins and cancer resection Role: PI Amount: $260,000
Project number: NIH-SBIR 1R43CA228692-01A1 Grant period: 2018-2019 Project title: Erythrocyte-derived nanoparticles for light-activated combination of chemophotothermal therapy of tumors Role: PI Amount: $264,517